Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War) - download pdf or read online

By David Bilton

In this primary totally illustrated background of the Kaiser’s undesirable visitors, the writer seems on the lives of the millions of Allied males who turned PoWs throughout the nice battle.

After making the choice to give up, the soldier, sailor or airman used to be on the mercy of his captors. The booklet examines what it felt prefer to hand over, the hazards concerned after which the customarily lengthy trip to a camp in Germany. For a few the there has been no trip, they have been saved on the entrance to aid the German warfare attempt.

Not all camps have been an analogous; a few have been greater than others, a state of affairs which could simply swap with the substitute of the commandant, yet such a lot have been terrible. disorder was once rife and there has been little therapy. Barracks have been often chilly and there have been few blankets and little garments. males have been abused, starved, denied their simple rights, despatched to paintings in appalling stipulations and a few have been murdered. there have been hundreds of thousands of civilians interned to boot, who generally fared higher than opponents, even though they didn't have it effortless.

With the coming of parcels from domestic such a lot prisoners may enforce their nutrition, yet this used to be no longer the case for Russians who acquired little support and trusted handouts from different prisoners.

Escape was once a concern for plenty of males; hundreds of thousands attempted, even supposing they can be shot for the try, as a few have been, yet so much didn't make it home.

Then the Armistice was once signed and the PoWs have been freed. a few controlled to stroll to Allied strains, so much needed to look forward to delivery. inside of a number of months they have been all domestic, apart from the millions of prisoners that have been lacking, that the Germans claimed they by no means had.

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Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918 (Images of War) by David Bilton

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